Plastic: The worst invention in history.

June 24, 2019

Malton Inflight is on a mission to; source, supply, and grow greener as a company. The question is where to start?

You probably know about the plastic waste problem in our oceans. But what about the one in our skies?
Plastic is a global industrial product, swamping our everyday lives and our oceans. The growing concern for single-use plastic has prompted major corporations and businesses such as Tesco's, Starbucks, McDonald's and Evian to ditch single-use plastics from their day-to-day operations, and the aviation industry is no different. Almost 80 per cent of all food and drinks served onboard flights comes in single-use plastic. The plastic material can take up to 1,000 years to decompose in landfills - that's a long time compared to an 8-hour flight.
Plastic is now being mentioned as the worst invention in history because of the damage it is causing to the planet.
Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the issues surrounding single-use plastic, thus playing a significant role in motivating airlines to address the need for change. As world leading suppliers, we want to help make the transition to biodegradable and compostable materials easier.

e don't only want to make products for use whilst you're in the air. We want our products to continue to benefit you well beyond your inflight experience.
Our CEO, Gordon Oakley, recently attended a seminar for high-ranking government officials and manufacturing industry leaders in China, where he was selected as one of the keynote speakers. His mission was to reinforce the message that the western world is placing such great emphasis on the future of bio-degradable materials as an alternative to single-use plastics. Commenting on the large-scale event to us, he said; ''my job here is to inform people of the massive environmental focus going on in the airline industry at the moment, but the people of China 'don't seem to need much encouragement at all. It has become a huge focal point of the manufacturing industry and political party to be the key worldwide drivers behind this environmental shift – there are millions and millions of dollars being invested into making these products work and the penalties for environmental crimes are now becoming more severe. I am confident that within the next few years we can make a massive dent in the amount of plastic being placed into landfill each year, to create a plastic-free world for future generations.

We have invested in designing and manufacturing the world's best eco-friendly products. In partnering with like-minded companies, we have produced products that are environmentally friendly, compostable and biodegradable. We hope to bring about change in the airline industry, making a move to a compostable and eco-friendly alternative to plastic unstoppable, before the adverse effects become irreversible.